Buy PlayStation 3 80GB

Sunday, August 23, 2009 by Migo | Posted in , , , , ,

I now own all 3 major next-gen consoles: The Xbox 360, the Wii, and now this one. I can honestly say I'm very impressed with it. Now is definitely the time to buy one I think. Wait another year, and the prices will only continue to drop. I finally broke down and bought the PS3 based on a bundle sale that only cost me around 400 bones for the console and a couple games.

I mentioned the above, because I think there are way too many fan-boys out there to skew people's decision what console to buy that still don't own any of these consoles, and are thinking about purchasing one. After using the PS3 for about a month now, it's become painfully obvious to me that neither the 360 or the PS3 is better than the other. Rather, it's a matter of opinion what you are going to use the console for.

For me there was only a couple of reasons to own the PS3: Blu-Ray and to play the Sony exclusive games. The PS3 is by far the best available Blu-Ray player in my opinion. It's designed to play just about any Blu-Ray disc, it can be updated with firmware updates, and thing connects wirelessly to the internet via a wireless router/modem. Blu-Ray looks and sounds phenomenal. If you have an HDTV, and you have the extra cash to spare for Blu-Ray, ... I don't know what you're waiting on then. There truly is an incredible difference in sound and picture between Blu-Ray and DVD. The Sony PS3 allows you to view Blu-Ray in all of its glory. With all the extra features and such, maneuvering through all the menus on the PS3 is a breeze, too.

The Sony exclusives for games isn't as compelling I think in comparison to the 360. However, that's all up to opinion. You'd have to play 'em to really grasp what you'd prefer. I'm more of a sports and action kind of gamer. I really love the 360 when it comes to Gears of War, Halo, and Mass Effect. The PS3 offers games such as Resistance, MLB: The Show, Killzone 2, and of course, Metal Gear Solid 4. It really comes down to what games tickle your fancy a little more. After you read all the reviews, and all of the hype, you really have to just play the games. I've played the games like Infamous and Little Big Planet. Those games have received great reviews, but I didn't like them too much. So my point is, if you're stuck on which system has the best games, my advice is to just play them and see for yourself. One fact remains about the PS3 exclusives, however, and that is that PS3 does provide the better graphics. The graphics card within the PS3 is produced by nVidia. If you're a PC geek like me, you know that nVidia's graphics cards have always been on the pricier side. There's a reason for that, and I'll just leave it at that.

The PS3 offers many things that make it better than the 360. The hard drive isn't proprietary, and easily exchangeable with a bigger hard drive. The controllers have built in rechargeable battery backs that charge via USB, and connect via Bluetooth. You can use a standard USB keyboard/mouse. Wireless capability is included with the PS3. It runs with a faster processor and graphics card. You can even install a separate operating system on the PS3. Browsing the web is surprisingly easy as well. It's not my browser of choice by any means, but it is 100% compatible with every website I've thrown at it. The PS3 is a Blu-Ray player, which makes it a gaming console, and your main movie player. The PS3 also up-converts your DVDs.

The PS3 is not perfect by any means, however. If you play online games you'll want to stay away from the PS3. Paying for the Xbox Live experience was always annoying to me, but after engaging in some online matches with Killzone 2, it has opened my eyes. The play is laggy and slow. Finding matches accourding to your skill level is also found wanting. The store and browsing for demos and such is done far better with Xbox's Live experience. The Xbox also offers instant streaming via Netflix, and PS3 doesn't. I find the controller for the PS3 a little uncomfortable compared to the Xbox. The buttons at times can be too sensitive, and the controller feels cramped at times. Bottom line for the controller, though, is that is strictly opinion. My wife's hands are much smaller than mine, and the controller for the PS3 to her is 100 million times better than the 360. So it just depends on what feels right to you.

The bottom line for the PS3 is that whatever your preferences are, those should dictate what system you'll choose if you can only choose one. There are many features available to you other than what I mentioned, and you can view those via Sony's website, or by browsing through the other reviews posted here. There's really no reason to not own a PS3. If you're looking to make the step towards Blu-Ray, you have a wireless network in your house, and you love solo gaming, then PS3 is probably for you. If online gaming is a big deal, and you're not really convinced that Blu-Ray is the way to go for you, than you should probably go the route of the Xbox 360. The whole exclusive gaming thing is really just a bonus. Both systems offer quality exclusive games that will make you happy.Get more detail about PlayStation 3 80GB.

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