Discount PlayStation 3 80GB

Tuesday, August 25, 2009 by Migo | Posted in , , , , ,

Well I have had all 3 systems at a time. Now I have a PS3 and Xbox 360. I love them both dearly but if it comes down to a multiplatform game, then I just have to go with my Xbox. The Xbox just has more gaming appeal in the end and better online play because of Xbox Live. PS3 is great though, I rent Blu-Ray movies all the time and thats when I use my PS3 the most. I do have PS3 exclusive games like Metal Gear Solid 4, Little Big Planet, Killzone 2 and etc. Which I love all of those games but it just seems like the PS3 isnt as dedicated when it comes to gaming.

It has so many features that the XBox doesnt have. Such as Blu-Ray, Internet Browser, and some of the earlier models have full backwards compatibility with PS1/2 games. The PS3 is pretty much a computer and it has great features and great games but it cant match up to the games that are out on 360 though. Thats just my opion though, some people really prefer PS3 games. PS3's home is a really cool feature, You can explore the PS3 world with different themes from various games. Which is really cool because you can see and interact with everyone else that is exploring Home as well.

PS3 is a great system and I would recommend it to anyone as it is the premier system with the best features and is the most advanced gaming system to date(Other than PC's of course). I love my PS3 but I just cant see them as being as good as the games for the 360 right now.Get more detail about PlayStation 3 80GB.

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