Cheap PlayStation 3 80GB

Monday, August 24, 2009 by Migo | Posted in , , , , ,

I bought the PS3 mainly to watch blue ray movies,and there was mostly good reviews at the time. Plus, with the ability to play games I thought the PS3 was versatile and therefor the way to go. The machine worked great and I used it on average about 3 hours per week.

However, after about 15 months the PS3 would no longer read any of the blue ray discs or PS3 games. I did an internet search on the problem and found thousands of web pages of people having problems with the PS3 machine's failure to read disks. Its funny that everyone's problem happened around the same age of the machine. There are some who say the issue happened after downloading a software upgrade. I often downloaded the upgrades to keep my machine current so that it could play all the new disks that I bought.

The real kicker is that Sony is now charging people $150 dollars to fix the PS3 that fail to read disks. I don't understand how a company can charge people to fix a machine that is so poorly designed, and an issue that will just happen again at a later time.

Before you buy a PS3, do an internet search on "PS3 disk reading error". I have decided to purches a different name brand blue ray player. To me the name Sony is now synonymous with the word JUNK.Get more detail about PlayStation 3 80GB.

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