PlayStation 3 80GB Review

Sunday, November 8, 2009 by Migo | Posted in , , , , ,

I have a 80 gb PS3 which i intend to use as a bluray player after reading all the glowing reports and reviews.

The following are some of the issues I have come across which I think everybody who is considering to buy a PS3 for use as a blu ray player should know and consider as these may be a deal breaker for some.

1) You can only have one audio output at a time either through TV or through your home theater system and not both. If you want to sometime have sound come through tv (playing games) and sometime through home audio system (watching Movie) there is a complicated 7 step process to change the audio out, which is to be done everytime you change audio output. With all other blu ray players, even cheap ones you can have simultaneous audio out from TV and speakers. This is soo bad.

2) No universal remote control will control PS3 unless you buy and attach a separate IR dongle, as PS3 does not have a infrared sensor. that means an additional remote to worry about.

3) no netflix, itunes or pandora support, which some of the other BD playes have.

4) No power off button on the remote, you have to physically go to the PS3 to switch it off.

So bottom line if you are going to play games and watch bluray PS3 is very good, but if you are solely interested in using PS3 as a bluray player, there are much better choices and cheaper.Get more detail about PlayStation 3 80GB.

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