PlayStation 3 80GB Order Now

Saturday, October 24, 2009 by Migo | Posted in , , , , ,

I'm giving my opinion from a different daughter could probably give you all the technicle reasons she loves the PS3, but I'm going to share mine from the perspective that I don't play games on it. I bought it for my daughter because she had to have the system...and of course she had to have the 80 gig. I know she loves it, and I can say that picture is incredible!! The games are so real you could almost step into the picture. But I'm loving it for watching my blu ray movies, and really any movies. It's got an icredible picture quality, the sound is awesome, and if there is anyone out there who has it and is not using it as their #1 dvd player, you are so missing out. I can actually upload movies onto it and watch them w/out the dvd!! How cool is that? And while I did purchase the remote to it, I have figured it out all on my own, and can now play online games. It's just too easy to set up!! I'm thrilled with it...and with Sony.
I never thought I'd find myself being such a Playstation fan!!!Get more detail about PlayStation 3 80GB.

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