PlayStation 3 80GB Right now

Monday, October 12, 2009 by Migo | Posted in , , , , ,

With Blu-Ray officially winning the format war about a year ago, I think that it's safe to assume that the PS3 is here to stay. First off, the PS3 graphics are a huge improvement over the last generation gaming consoles, since PS3 outputs HD.

However, as an owner of both the Xbox 360 and a PS3, I can tell you that I am positive that the graphics are not better when the same game is being run. I did a side by side comparison with my friend's copy of Madden 09 for Xbox 360, and my copy of Madden 09 for PS3. If anyone tells you that the PS3 or the 360 has better graphics than the other, you should ignore them. With that cleared out of the way, I still think that the PS3 is better than the 360.

First off, the PS3 is also a Blu-Ray player. A decent Blu-Ray player costs at least $250. Blu-Ray is the new way... Watching movies like The Dark Knight is just a treat. With that said, I would also recommend you to try Netflix if you don't have it already, since you can rent Blu-Ray movies too. The price of Netflix's basic unlimited plan is about $10 a month, which is nothing since if you get 8 movies a month, it averages to $1.25 a movie.

Second, the gaming experience on a PS3 is just amazing. While the graphics are about the same as 360's with no noticeable difference, I seriously prefer the SONY's controller over the complicated Microsoft's Xbox 360 controller. The other truth that Xbox 360 fanboys aren't willing to admit is that there won't be any great Xbox 360 exclusives coming out in 2009. 2010 I don't know about, but in 2009, PS3 has Killzone 2, MLB the Show, God of War III, Final Fantasy XIII, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves and more. So I'm positive that for 2009, the PS3 will have better games than the 360.

Third, claims that the 360 is overall cheaper than the PS3 aren't true. When buying a 360, you also need a wi-fi adapter that you'll have to throw out $100 and XBOX LIVE GOLD that's about $30-50 a year. (Get it at the right places it's $30. Also, keep in mind that I prefer XBOX LIVE over PSN) Though those aren't mandatory if you don't play online, you are missing out on a lot if you don't buy them. However, for the PS3, they are built in. Also, the built in Blu ray should also be taken into account.

By now, you should have made up your mind. However, SONY made a bad decision (at least I think it is) in taking out backwards compatibility. Still a great system, but better with the backwards compatibility. Still deserves the 5-star, since I still have my PS2. If my PS2 breaks, then I'm in trouble, since I still use my PS2 occasionally to play PS2 games.Get more detail about PlayStation 3 80GB.

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