Lowest Price PlayStation 3 80GB

Friday, September 18, 2009 by Migo | Posted in , , , , ,

I add this "thought" -- essentially, not anything like a review -- as a simple "caution" or "comment to consider" when considering whether or not to purchase a PS3 machine for pre-school or elementary-age children.

I admit I'm stupid as far as "game consoles" are concerned, and purchased a PS3 because of the Blue-ray player option, and the advanced processor graphics available on this platform. And, I was "way stupid" in deciding to purchase a PS3 for my twin five year-old boys.

Simply put, it is because there are so very few games available that are either 1) non-violent or 2) non-competitive. I have been especially saddened to see the number -- and the sheer level of -- games that include violence and conflict on the PS3. There are some available -- but they are few, and far "overshadowed" by the games/offerings that are, simply, patently offensive.

This is to say nothing about the quality of graphics, the quality of implementation, and all that other stuff that are fundamentally important to really serious gamers. The choice to play violent games is yours -- and I hope -- unlike my five year-old boys -- you are capable of distinguishing between fantasy and reality.

But, as a parent, I deeply regret purchasing the PS3 platform, and encourage you to consider the Wii, or something that supports games (old or new!) that will present something other than "death," "violence," and "conflict" for your kids to experience. If my kids would understand it -- at their age -- I would apologize for purchasing something for them that has been, frankly, so distorting of reality -- and of what the world needs!

The Rev. Dr. Douglas ThompsonGet more detail about PlayStation 3 80GB.

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