PlayStation 3 80GB Get it now!

Monday, September 21, 2009 by Migo | Posted in , , , , ,

I just recently bought a PS3 in January of this year. I had wanted to wait until the HD video wars ended before I purchased it because I didn't think the game selection was all that great compared to the Xbox that I already owned. After blu-ray won I picked it up and now that I've had some experience with it I thought I'd put up a review.

- Blu-ray: Honestly, I thought I wouldn't care that much about this but thanks to Amazon I have gotten a ton of use out of it. I just pick the movies I want and leave them in the cart until they get to a price I want. The movies look amazing. Planet Earth and Wall-e alone makes it worth having a blu-ray player and where blu-ray players are concerned the PS3 is a great deal.

- Games: There are some great games for the PS3. I own Metal Gear, Valkyrie Chronicles, Uncharted, Killzone 2 and now inFamous. All are great games that you can only get on the PS3 (Although I hear rumors that Metal Gear is moving to Xbox). Of course it also has multiplatform games that are great as well like Fallout but, honestly, they don't really look or play any better on the PS3. If you end up with both consoles you'll just end up buying the version that has the better exclusives. I bought Fallout 3 on xbox because it had all the downloadable content but I might buy Soul Caliber 4 on PS3 because it got Darth Vader.

-Noise: Compared to my old Xbox it's pretty quite.

-Disk Slot: I haven't seen much on this but the way you put in disks on the PS3 is so much better than the Xbox. My DVD tray on the xbox had constant problems after about two years. They fixed it for free but still.

-HDMI: The new Xbox has HDMI but mine doesn't. I really wish it did.

-Wireless: It comes with wireless which is great. It's another 100$ for the xbox wireless. Although it does have the DNS issue (Search PS3 DNS error).

- Controllers: You may prefer PS3 controllers but I do not. They feel strange to me. But putting that aside the cord they come with is so short that it's almost unusable while you are charging the controllers. The Xbox cables cost extra but they come with a replaceable battery and are ten feet long.

- The playstation store: It's horrible. It's hard to find things, I had the DNS error issue (Search for "DNS error PS3") and when you do find what you want and download it you have to wait for it to install as well. This may sound minor but the xbox store is infinitely easier to use. Especially now.

- Home: Home is worthless. So much was put into this online experience and I don't know a single person who uses it or likes it.

- Games: I know I listed games as a pro but there is a con. There just aren't a lot of exclusives out there and if they are exactly the same I get the Xbox version just because getting updates for the game is so much better. Although, this year has a lot of PS3 exclusives that I am really excited about (inFamous, God of War 3 and Uncharted 2). And I already mentioned that having to install games is an unneeded pain.

-Updates: Again, I have to compare to the 360. Upgrading the entire interface on the 360 took seconds. Doing minor upgrades on the PS3 can take forever. God forbid you want to go into new room on home. In fact, I'd say not to even try Home. It will take 20 minutes just to install it and then you still have to wait another few minutes every time you enter an area for the first time.

-Online gaming: I am not a huge online console gamer but the base truth is that Xbox live blows away the PS3 online gaming experience. Of course the PS3 experience is free but I just have infinitely more problems with connection drops and such on the PS3. If you aren't going to spring for Xbox live though then the PS3 is the way to go if you want to play games online.

-PRICE: I put this in caps because it's the most ridiculous issue with the PS3. The starting cost is ridiculously high on the PS3. I know there is a ton of math that can be done to show that in the long run the xbox costs more but you don't need half the stuff people list. I did fine forever with no wireless network interface controller and a 20 gig hard drive. Although I did eventually jump up to a 120 gig hard drive.

Once I got the DNS issue worked out I have enjoyed my PS3 very much. Recently it's gone from being rarely used to being used a ton with blu-ray and all the new games that have been coming out.

If you have to choose between the consoles for some reason I'd look at what you want and go from there. Xbox is far and away the better gaming machine and it has streaming netflix (We use this a ton). PS3 still has good exclusives and all the multi-platform games but by far the biggest reason to grab it is blu-ray. If they were the same price I would recommend the PS3 even more.Get more detail about PlayStation 3 80GB.

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