Buy PlayStation 3 80GB

Tuesday, January 19, 2010 by Migo | Posted in , , , , ,

I purchased this PS3 mainly for the Blu Ray feature, since Blu Ray players are so expensive I thought why not pay a little more and get a gaming system. I own an XBOX 360 which is my preferred gaming platform. The XBOX 360 awards you with achievement points and a gamer score so you can tell how many different games, what games, and what achievements were earned in each individual game, example, Rock Band may have a max of 1000 gamer points and I have unlocked 385 achievements points because it's a hard game, you take all the games you have played and add up each achievement score and you get your gamer score total, mine is 12000 points, the PS3 doesn't have this kind of scoring system, you only play the games for the fun of gaming which isn't to say there is anything wrong with that but I prefer a gamer score, it makes me feel like I am accomplishing something. I understand that PS3 is adding trophies which is like achievement points except you don't get a score you only get a bronze, silver, or gold trophy awarded depending on the difficulty level played I think, anyone who has played PS3 games would know more about this than me, as far as the Blu Ray goes, it is awesome, looks and sounds the best, I can see why it won the HDDVD war. The PS3 also has an internet browser built in so you can surf the internet, pretty cool feature. It also has a built in wireless modem so you don't have to buy a wireless modem connection for the PS3 (you have to buy one for the XBOX 360), it's already there along with bluetooth to use any bluetooth for chat purposes. Just so you know why I mentioned the XBOX 360 in a PS3 review, it's because I wanted you to know what you are getting in a PS3 versus an XBOX 360 if you are looking only for gaming, if you are looking for Blu Ray, this is what you want.Get more detail about PlayStation 3 80GB.

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