Order PlayStation 3 80GB

Thursday, December 3, 2009 by Migo | Posted in , , , , ,

This is for anyone deciding to buy the 360 or PS3.

I bought the 360 in december 07.. and since, i have had THREE (3) Xboxes. Microsoft is known for Softwares, not Hardwares.. so when they decided to make this machine, they got it all wrong. Everything from the chips, the fans, power plug, disk tray, heat-sinks, etc, is ALL WRONG. Play the 360 everyday, and it will break in 9 - 12 months tops! Sure, Xbox Live is good, but how can you enjoy that if your console is going to break a lot (and i mean A LOT). The "Jasper" chip came out in the newer Xboxes.. but they still sound like an airplane on the runway, and they still get hot. Just give it the usual 12 months, and they will start breaking (ok, maybe 15 months now with Jasper lol).

You can't go wrong with the PS3. It feels like a tank, a true warrior. Even turning on this beautiful machine is a charm.. it's got a neat sensor-like button, and you just have to slide your finger. With the Xbox, you press this cheap power button, and pray that you don't get the 3 RED LIGHTS! I swear that every single time i was turning on my 360, i was terrified!

I find the PS3 a very VERY SUPERIOR machine. Believe me when i tell you that from the moment you turn on this beauty, you are going to feel you made the BEST investment possible. I remember that when i purchased the 360, and actually had it in my hands, i was like.. oh boy.. this thing doesn't look like it's built to last. [...]

And for those that say that the PS3 doesn't have any games.. God of War 3, Gran Turismo 5, Uncharted 2, Infamous, Killzone 2, Little Big Planet, Metal Gear Solid 4, Resistance 2, Valkyria Chronicles, Final Fantasy XIII Versus.. there's 10 right there. And sure you get the Call of Duty franchise (and you don't have to worry that the console is going to break!!!).

I had CoD4 on 360, and i couldn't even get to the 10th PRESTIGE because the stupid console broke! From that point i was on my 3rd Box.. and then i decided to sell all my games, get the PS3, and i have been playing CoD WaW.. oh yeah, i'm going for the 10th Prestige now baby!!! lol Get more detail about PlayStation 3 80GB.

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