PlayStation 3 80GB Review

Thursday, December 24, 2009 by Migo | Posted in , , , , ,

You can rant all you want, at the end of the day the Xbox 360 is the better gaming console (Graphically and media streaming wise). Take it from me, I have both consoles...Fine, the PS3 support bluray and YES it does an amazing job, but the primary function of these systems is "Gaming" - and the Xbox 360 does the best job in that department. Blu-Ray Playback, DVD upconversion, Media streaming, Online content, Online rentals (Netflix on the 360), etc are all just "icing on the cake". From my experience, media streaming (music playback) is not as fluid on the PS3 as it is on the 360. When I skip from track to track, while streaming from my computer, on the Xbox - it's almost gapless, while the PS3 takes about 3-4 secs to kick in. Also you play your music and mess with the console systems settings on the 360 while the music is still playing, but it's a different story on the PS3 - music stop ( Ps3 owner can attest to this). For you to get a gapless or almost instantaneous playback of your music files on the PS3 you have to copy the music to the console itself ( which is what I did).
Bottomline is, The PS3 sounds better on Paper but the 360 actually has the better graphics when it comes to gameplay, and if you doubt the comparism yourself.

I got the PS3 for $199(which included the remote, Blu-Ray Movie,and a game) with the Amazon Customer Vote promotion so I cant really complain. I use the PS3 as a Blu-ray player.Get more detail about PlayStation 3 80GB.

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