Shop For PlayStation 3 80GB

Monday, December 14, 2009 by Migo | Posted in , , , , ,

I've owned this system for almost four months, and haven't had that many problems. I bought this system because I was tired of having to deal with my 360 freezing all of the time. I literally spend more reseting the 360 than playing games on it; because a game would freeze or it would get a disc read error...... PS3's only real competition is the Wii IMO, as well as the profit margin for Sony.

Pros: Blu Ray playback is stunning. This particular system is quiet. USB cable for the controller is included. Games run smoothly. There aren't proprietary cables that you need to buy if you want to use the HDMI and/or Optical Sound outputs. Game graphics are top notch.
Cons: You need to use the RB/Y cable to be able to set up the other video outputs, and vise versa. You have to change the sound settings in order to switch between the RY, Optical, and HDMI sound outputs. It takes an extremely long time to update the system no matter which media you use, and it has update errors sometimes. Every game I've bought has needed an update before it could be played.

I would recommend this system over the 360 any day. Gears of War and Fable aren't enough, especially when the older 360 systems can't run them efficiently.Get more detail about PlayStation 3 80GB.

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