PlayStation 3 80GB Best Quality

Friday, December 11, 2009 by Migo | Posted in , , , , ,

This is a great machine to purchase on its own, i won't go on a debate as to which system is better, but i shall just dive into the features of the PS3 80 gig

1. Online--- the PSN is quite nice with its set of unique features like PS Home, Life with Playstation, and the PS Store, my only complaint would have to be the download speed and the installs because i don't really much care for their user interface in that regard, but it's not a huge problem. I love the PSN and (believe it or not) i prefer it to Xbox Live simply because it is free and it fits my preferences as a casual gamer perfectly. I get online, play a game with people, and leave while not paying a fee to do so, that's all i require in an online service, just to have lag-free gaming with other gamers. Also, it would have been nice for Sony to finally put in-game music. I know that it sucks that MSFT has a patent on this (how can someone patent music inside a game?), but hopefully, the engineers at Sony are working on this problem

2. Hardware--- the PS3 hardware is just fantastic, no loud noises at all and it runs very cool and quiet. I know that it is missing the media card readers and fewer usb ports, but i suggest that anyone who wishes to attain these items should just buy the Nyko Media Hub and that should solve your problems; although, i haven't run into a problem with the lack of usb hubs since i only use the two to charge my controller and my receiver for my third party controller

3. Media---i'm quite impressed by the blu-ray player and the amount of codecs that the PS3 can display, especially streaming media off my external harddrive. The blu-ray player is nice, but i don't really use it that much since i just download my movies digitally off torrents, but since bluray has won the HD Format war, it's a very nice option to have for future reasons. The DVD player is quite nice and upconverts very nicely.

4. Gaming--- So far, i have about 16 games for my PS3 and that doesn't even include the exclusives for next year. My only complaint as far as gaming goes is the dualshock controller because i just don't like the ergonomics behind their design, but i have taken care of that problem with the Nyko Zero controller.

All in all, i believe this is a perfect system for either the casual or hardcore gamer or the multimedia enthusiatics. I'm not bothered by the lack of ps2 BC because i never owned a ps2, but i'm quite happy with my purchase of the new 80 gig ps3

Edit--- I have recently found out some things about this system that currently are an issue and i'd like to address them to those interested in buying the console. The first issue is the speed of downloads on the psn especially when updating games that are over 100mb in file size. Seriously, it is worse than downloading things on the pc. Also, there seems to be no in-game music in many ps3. I know that MSFT has a warranty on this (how does one get a patent for in-game music), but hopefully Sony can force devs to require in game soundtracks for ps3 games just like they did with trophy support. Also, i'm having trouble finding other good games, especially PS3 exclusives (i know about them, but they just don't suite my tastes, except Resistance). Overall, i'd say that the games just flat out don't compare to the xbox 360. Still, i recommend the purchase of the ps3 for anyone looking for a blu-ray player or a gaming console. Get more detail about PlayStation 3 80GB.

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